There are many different types of animals that will get into an attic space. The most common are rats, mice, raccoons and squirrels. All animals can and will do damage in the attic. Here are few examples:
Rodents, (rats, mice, and squirrels), will chew on wiring which could ultimately lead to a fire. Sometimes these animals can chew on air condition wiring resulting in repairs that could cost hundreds of dollars. They are able to chew on security wiring, which will result in emergency personnel arriving at your home. These rodents constantly urinate and defecate, leaving behind hundreds if not thousand of droppings in the attic, ceiling, and walls.
What damage can raccoons do in the attic?
Raccoons will not chew on wiring. However, they will destroy your air ducts, especially in the summer. Also, they will trample down the insulation in the attic, resulting in the loss of cooling and or heating. When the insulation is flattened by the animal, the insulation loses the ability to trap the air in between. This will result in a higher energy bill. The scariest part about having raccoons in the attic, are the latrines. Latrines are a localized area where the animal uses the bathroom. Over time the latrines will continue to grow. The sheetrock will begin to stain, and if not caught in time, will begin to sag and fall through, just as if there was a water leak in the roof.
What should I do about the animals?
Have the animals removed as soon as possible. Hiring a professional is ideal, but can and will cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. If you’re a do it yourself type of person, you’re not afraid of animals, then try trapping yourself.
No matter what direction you take, you will want to get the animals out before they cause can any more damage.
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